WoW TrueShots

Link game server with TrueShots

If you are the World of Warcraft server's administrator — we propose to link your game server with our service.

What are the benefits:
  • Your server will display on the page with game servers list
  • Your players will be able to bind the characters from the game server to they account on TrueShots and then use on their screenshots. WoW Screenshot with Character
  • As an additional option, we can provide you API to access any screenshots information from characters on your server and necessary methods.
  • In the near future we plan to add a WoW signature generator for the binded characters. Players can choose any picture and use it on the forum. Game characters will be automatically collected from your game server, you do not need to add something - this possibility already built into the PHP API script that you need to download below this page. All database SQL queries optimized and cached.

Look at the picture below — there interaction with your game server. Our users can access this page from the account menu "My Characters". WoW Server API
So, to make it, you will need to download PHP API script for WoW server and configure it. Setup is extremely simple: open the file inc/ to specify the host, username and password for the WoW server database, and the names of 3 databases (accounts, characters and the world). Just $server_core need to specify type of your server (mangos or ascent). (Contact us if your server is based on another core).

Once the script is configured, it must be accessible from your Web site. Now go to feedback page and write us that you want to add your server.

Be sure to fill:
  • A link to the PHP script just installed
  • Game server's site address
  • A brief description of the server in English (limited to 255 characters)
  • Server administrator's email

Write to us if you want to change your server info afterward.

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